Book Announcement: The Wordsmith

Irene van Gelder’s drudge job is killing her, but how can she earn a living as an air witch when her own guild calls her a fraud?

The Fire Warlock doesn’t ask for her credentials, but with tensions rising between the Fire and Air Guilds, proving her value to him is not a safe move. With the White Duchess and her son intent on revenge, what defences can a failure as an air witch muster? All she has is words. Will that be enough to save herself, and Frankland?

The Air Guild will regret spurning its most accomplished witch.

The Wordsmith, the fourth book in my Reforging series, is all set for publication in February 2021, and the ebook version can be pre-ordered from Amazon and Kobo.

I’m excited. I love this cover; it perfectly captures how I thought Irene, an exceptional but undervalued professional, should look. Artist Catherine Archer-Wills has done a lovely job on the entire series.

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