Reality Intrusions

This has been a spectacular week.

First my car broke down. The muffler fell off on Evans Bay Parade on my way to work, the battery died and needed a jump start, and the mechanic said it wasn’t worth replacing the muffler since the car would fail its WoF (Warrant of Fitness) inspection, due in December. Fixing the rust problems would cost more than the car was worth. My husband had been saying we were going to have to replace it; I just hadn’t wanted to recognise it had become so urgent. But then, you never do, do you?

Then the plumber we called in to deal with our drainage problems said they’d have to cut a trench across our patio to dig up and replace the decades-old crumbling clay sewer pipe.

And finally, we got to bed this morning (Saturday) at 4am, after having spent the previous eight hours of Friday night in the emergency room of Wellington Hospital. (We’re all fine now, if rather sleep-deprived.)

None of this has helped keep my writing on schedule…

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